End of SATS Treats 2020
Treat your Year 6 class to a trip to your local Picturehouse Cinema to celebrate the end of their SATs!
We are offering reduced price screenings of a suitable film for your Year 6s at selected Picturehouse cinemas on Friday 15 May 2020, starting at 10am or 10:30am.
Previous years we have had films like Coco (PG) in 2018 and How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (PG) in 2019. We will aim to have a selected film as soon as possible.
Tickets are only £3.00 per student, and there is no minimum group size if booking for the any of the screenings listed below. Please wait for us to confirm your booking before you book your transport to the cinema.
All screenings will have a 10am or 10:30am start, depending on availability. We will let you know once we get your request, but if you do have a preference please let us know on the booking form. The deadline to book is 6th May.

Film TBC (likely to be a film released in 2020 with a PG certificate)
London Cinemas
Crouch End
Ritzy, Brixton
East Dulwich
The Gate, Notting Hill
Stratford East
West Norwood
BBFC advice: TBC
Suitability: KS1, KS2
Running Time: 104 mins
Price: £3.00 per student. Free for staff (1:10 ratio).
Food & Drink: Popcorn + Squash £1.80pp (to be ordered in advance)
Booking deadline: 6th May 2020