School Previews of The Biggest Little Farm
Available to book on weekday mornings from Thursday 10 October to Thursday 7 November
We are delighted to have previews of the fantastic documentary The Biggest Little Farm, which follows John and Molly Chester through their successes and failures as they work to develop a sustainable farm. A look into sustainable living, nature, and the environment in an inspirational film that will stay with you and your students long after you leave the cinema.
National Curriculum Links:
KS2 Human & Physical Geography - Impacts of humans on the local and global environment; Settlement and land use; Distribution of natural resources; Understanding where food comes from; Climate change
KS3 & 4 Science & Geography: Relationships in an ecosystem; Agriculture and food production; Farming; Food Security; Breeding methods; Eco-systems; Weather & climate; Ecological footprints; Global ecosystems and biodiversity; Resources and their management.
The Biggest Little Farm (PG)
Contains mild threat, images of dead and injured animals
For more information visit the BBFC website
Suitability: KS2/KS3/KS4 | Subjects: Geography, Biology, Film & Media
Event length: 95mins
Price: £4 a student (minimum group size 25, £100 flat fee for smaller groups). Free for accompanying staff (1:10 ratio)
Cinemas: available at all Picturehouse cinemas
Available for Bookings: Weekday mornings throughout November, subject to availability.
Booking Information | Request a Booking
Director: John Chester. USA. 92 mins.
THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM chronicles the eight-year quest of John and Molly Chester as they trade city living for 200 acres of barren farmland and a dream to harvest in harmony with nature. Through dogged perseverance and embracing the opportunity provided by nature's conflicts, the Chester’s unlock and uncover a biodiverse design for living that exists far beyond their farm, its seasons, and our wildest imagination.
Featuring breathtaking cinematography, captivating animals, and an urgent message to heed Mother Nature’s call, THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM provides us all a vital blueprint for better living and a healthier planet.